Pyrroles Lecture
Brett Lambert, Applied Analytical Laboratories
The Science of Pyrroles in Urine
How one non-invasive test can give differential diagnosis for physiological changes presenting as mental health, and also demonstrate treatment response.
BBH trains doctors in biomarker measures often associated with mental health, and treatment response. This fills a resource gap in current psychiatry care.
BBH also supports and funds research at leading Universities to confirm the science we are observing.
To understand why B6 is an issue, it is essential to know about the Urine DAPS test (Only available at AA Laboratories).
This is a test for Pyrroles and Urobilinogen in urine samples.
The test is a co-measure of two different processes:
1. Internal circulatory process of oxidative stress and redox chemistry – Pyrroles
2. Result of bacterial action in the gut on the bilirubin – urobilinogen conversion.
Both are co-measured in the assay with similar mauve colours in the spectroscopy process.
Urobilinogen is relatively stable and does not breakdown in light and heat to the extent the pyrrole fraction does.
(Pyrroles in urine are waste product generated by oxidative fragmentation of regulatory haem and are rapidly broken down by heat and light.)
Pyrroles are not normally found in the urine of healthy people. Its presence tells us the body is under stress. The amount of pyrrole is proportional to the stress. The change in the amount can indicate treatment response.
Urobilinogen is found in small amounts in healthy people. High levels can be associated with impaired kidney function, and its absence can indicate gallstones or biliary blockage. Both levels can present with mental health like symptoms, eg anxiety.
BBH introduced a version of the pyrrole test into Australia in 2004 as part of the pre-requisite component of the syllabus for physician training coordinated by William J Walsh PhD, USA.
Clinical use of an improved pyrrole measure, when mental health symptoms are present, and combined with relevant pathology tests, has demonstrated some people respond well to treatment by compounded nutrients which include B6 and which results in a lower pyrrole measure.
In some cases, B6 toxicity results, which mostly resolves by cessation of the B6 supplementation. Some don’t resolve.
Our Bio Balance Health responsibility is to understand why toxicity occurs and how to manage it.
By asking the questions:
– What are we measuring, and why?
– What is the perceived association between pyrroles in urine and B6?
– What are the interferences in this test?
We have developed, and supported, world leading original research which has confirmed pyrroles in urine are a biomarker of oxidative stress.
Because of assay technique all previous observations (other than AAL) have been based on the measurement of Urobilinogen, and not Pyrrole. (Ref: The Science of Pyrrole Lecture)
Therefore, symptom relationships are not yet verified. For example: Cold water immersion experiments measured urobilinogen – not the pyrrole and the physiology will confirm this (Refer to Pyrrole lecture)
Clinically the Urinary DAPS test is much better value as it can also demonstrate potential differential diagnoses.
Please note: Previous descriptions/ symptoms/ causes of “Pyrroles/ Pyrroluria” are scientifically incorrect or not validated.
We are excited to have driven research into The Science of Pyrroles in Urine and as a result now have a test which is clinically, both, reliable and very useful.
This lecture also presents our research on the 800MHz NMR on the pyrrole in urine complex which has shown it is not chemically possible for B6 to be stripped out by pyrroles. Nor does it strip out Zinc.
Training for doctors is available through BBH. For more information see:
The lecture on The Science of Pyrroles in Urine is available here:
This lecture is produced by Bio Balance Health.